Jupiter in Aries

April 22, 2023 - for 12 months

BIG CHANGES AHEAD & What You Must Know.

Don't be blindsided or get too fired up. Now is the time to channel your frustrations into the highest good.  

Hey there,
Jupiter will be in Pisces from April 22, 2023 until May 5, 2024. This is a major shift, where you will be bringing in a new cycle of hope, inspiration and purpose.

This next year will be a time to elevate your frustrations, especially with teachers and gurus, and put your teaching into practice.
In this Free web class you will learn:  

  • What this transit of Jupiter through Aries means for you and your rising sign?
  • Jupiter, and his evolution as seen through the shift of Pisces to Aries. What does that mean for you and us all collectively and personally?
  • Jupiter in Aries historically. What's next for the world? 
  • Jupiter will also be casting aspects to other signs. Do you have planets there?
  • What does that mean for your health, career, relationships?
  • What does it mean when Jupiter goes over your natal planets?

Sam Geppi (Sadasiva) is the author of "Yoga and Vedic Astrology" and "The Ascendant-108 Planets of Vedic Astrology". He is the founder of the American Academy of Vedic Art and Science - which offers level 1-3 Certification programs in Vedic Astrology. Currently the Academy has more than 250 students enrolled. Sam is certified level 1 and 2 through ACVA and CVA and was hired by Dattatreya Shiva Baba to teach the first Astroved Vedic Astrology Certification Program in 2010.